Stay Vegan aims to be the ultimate vegan resource hub. There’s a lot of muck out there, so it can be hard to wade through and decipher what the right information is. As a result, in recent times, we are seeing a trend of ex-“vegans”.
There are several reasons for ex-“vegans”. It can be a combination of lack of knowledge (extreme fad “vegan” diets, fruitarian for example, and other things that destroy the gut microbiome), not eating enough food, influence from carnivore, keto, paleo advocates (whose diet claims are based on anecdotes rather than science), societal pressure, and/or wanting to be trendy in order to draw more attention & subscribers to their social media accounts.
how do we move forward if we’re losing “them”
According to a study by Faunalytics, “84% of vegetarians/’vegans’ abandon their diet”. That needs to change. SV aims to educate on the benefits of a healthy whole foods plant-based diet, help people to make the connection to the victims/animals, learn about the environmental impact, and understand the human rights abuses that result from animal agriculture… which will, hopefully, help people to make the decision to stay vegan.
the aim
Stay Vegan aims to be the ultimate high-quality resource hub for everything you need to go, be, & stay vegan. SV wants to help people stay vegan forever… for people, for animals, and for the environment. Please see our goal, mission, and vision below…
GOAL: To catapult us into a vegan world and keep us there.
Our mission at Stay Vegan is to provide those considering veganism and existing vegans with the ultimate resource hub to go to for all things vegan. We’ve all heard & seen the messages to “go” vegan and “be” vegan, but we haven’t been getting the message to “STAY” vegan.
Sometimes when people dive into veganism headfirst they are not clear on how to do so properly, and as a result, they fail… then blame it on veganism. We aim to change that! Just think how much quicker we can get to a vegan world if we change the recidivism rate from 84% to nil.
We aim to provide high-quality educational, and thought-provoking content in order for vegans to be successful in their vegan journey… as we believe the future is vegan.
A Vegan World… where humans, animals, and the environment are
healthy, happy, & thriving.
Say “I DO” HERE.
Stay in the know HERE.