WFPB stands for Whole Foods Plant-Based . The optimal WFPB vegan diet is a whole foods plant-based diet that excludes all animals and their secretions.

I started my vegan journey back in 2003 with a 100% raw diet (fruits, vegetables, soaked nuts & seeds). Needless to say, going from the S.A.D diet (Standard American Diet) to a raw whole food plant-based diet, I healed from several health issues (Irritable bowel and severe menstrual cramps) and felt incredible.

I maintained the raw diet for 1-2 years before adding cooked foods back into my diet. Essentially eating a mix of raw fruits & veggies, cooked fruits & veggies, vegan junk foods (faux meats, faux cheeses, potato chips, french fries, brownies, cookies), nuts, seeds, very little grains (because carbs are bad, right?), and olive and coconut oils (pay close attention to this one along with the carbs question above).

processed foods and oils

Flash forward to 2018, I was experiencing Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and was very inflamed (VERY… as in tiny blood vessels busting on my arms, busting vessels in my eye, and a bleeding ear, and a nodule formed on a finger joint). All which led me to search for a solution. I knew I was doing something wrong and needed to change.

Not for one second, thankfully, did I think that eating flesh or secretions was the answer to my issues. My search led me to Dr. John McDougall. Between watching his videos on You Tube and reading his book, The Starch Solution, I decided that I was going to try things his way…

dr. mcdougall & the starch solution

” Now, bestselling author John A. McDougall, MD, and his kitchen-savvy wife, Mary, prove that a starch-rich diet can actually help you lose weight, prevent a variety of ills, and even cure common diseases. The Starch Solution is based on a simple swap: By fueling your body primarily with carbohydrates rather than proteins and fats, you’ll feel satisfied, boost energy, and look and feel your best. “

complex carbs reistance starches
Pics by skeeze from Pixabay /potatoes, Jan Nijman from Pixabay/beans, Klaus Beyer from Pixabay/grains


My arthritic symptoms and inflammation are completely gone since going whole foods plant-based a year ago. I’m now eating a diet high in complex carbs/starches (legumes, whole grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc) and have completely cut out all oils (including olive and coconut oils). This is the best I have ever felt and a bonus is that I’m never hungry thanks to the increased resistant complex carb/starch intake. Complex carbs/starches. Are. So. Satisfying!

In case you are wondering, the increased carb/starch intake has not caused me to gain any weight. The opposite has happened, I’ve lost a few pounds and my stomach is flatter than it’s ever been (no more bloating). Disclaimer: When I first made these changes I had horrible gas and bloating for a solid month (micro-biome/gut flora was changing), but after that month, it all went away and it’s been smooth sailing ever since.

why no oils

Before closing, I want to go back to the no oil topic because it is so important. All oils damage your endothelial cells (cells that line your vessel walls)… they cause free radical damage and inflammation… and it really sucks that almost everything (restaurant food & packaged foods) seems to have oil in it.

It’s not impossible to eat oil free out at restaurants, you just need to be diligent and ask questions. The best thing you can do is prepare your own food. If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy or know how to cook, try watching the Recipe video’s posted here… hopefully, by watching, you will be inspired to make some the recipes yourself. It’s so worth it!

to clarify

Btw, no oil doesn’t mean no fat, fat is necessary and good for you in small amounts. Eating foods in their whole food form is healthy, it has a synergistic effect on the body… eat whole avocados, whole olives, nuts, and seeds… not the isolated/processed oils.

Stay in the know HERE.



See Kiki’s 5 part series on the Starch Solution HERE.


Check out Dr. McDougall’s easy to understand picture book…


Please note: If you’re experiencing health problems (ex: gut/microbiome issues), please consider seeking out the help of a plant-based physician or plant-based dietitian/nutritionist.