Stay Vegan welcomes sharing our memes on social media! The only thing we ask in return is that you include the link to our website (if not included on the meme itself) and tag it with #stayvegan.

image: Pexels/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image: PIRO4D/pig: Jazella(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image by geralt/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
background image: geralt/ (P)- meme: Stay Vegan
image:InspiredImages/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image: PurpleWizard/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
flower pic: PDPhotos/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image: oranfireblade/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image: natureworks/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan (1)
image: geralt /P-meme: Stay Vegan
background: bluebudgie/P- meme: Stay Vegan
Truth image by Gordon Johnson/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
background image: InspiredImages/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image: A_Different_Perspective/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background: Lars_Nissen_Photoart/P- meme: Stay Vegan
background image: rauschenberger/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image: 8926/(P)- meme: Stay Vegan
background image by geralt/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
image by Prettysleepy2/(P)- - meme by Stay Vegan
image by geralt/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
image by AzDude/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
Life image by GDJ/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
tree image by DigitalDesigner/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
pic by SCR3AMFR3AK/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
Image by GDJ/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
Image by stuarthampton/(P)- meme by Stay Vegan
Pic by Prettysleepy2 (P)- meme by Stay Vegan
Pic by geralt/(P)thumb- meme by Stay Vegan
Pic by BilliTheCat /Pixabay/emoji- meme by Stay Vegan
Use in reponse to "I can't wait to eat a big juicy steak"/"I love animals, I love the way they taste"/"Bacon tho", etc.