Despite the increased demand for plant-based burgers, there has also been, unfortunately, an increase in the number of animals exploited and killed. Every year the numbers have risen. The math doesn’t add up.

The post titled, Is Vegan Media Harming Animals, seems to have stirred up some emotions when it was shared on facebook. A couple of people misunderstood the point of the article. One person mistakenly took it as infighting, even though it doesn’t name any names and makes it clear in the article that there is redemption and hope for the media outlets to do the right thing. To be clear, Stay Vegan 100% believes that vegans need to unite in order to achieve a vegan world.

With that said, it’s important that we use facts when sharing vegan messages. The animals need that.

supply has grown despite the decrease in demand

Lately there’s been a trend of vegan media outlets who know (not talking about the ones who don’t know) about the problem with subsidies, bailouts, and the excess stockpiles of flesh and secretions. Yet they, still, use the “plant burgers are saving animals” message in their reporting. I get it, that message makes us feel good. But is that message coming at the expense of the animals that it claims to save?

*”Meat”= flesh*

don’t misunderstand

All this is not to say that we should stop eating plant burgers. We absolutely should be choosing plants over animal flesh. It’s the compassionate choice. It’s true that as the plant-based “meat” market grows, it will eventually grow too big to ignore and changes will be made. But in the meantime, we’re not there yet. We still have a huge problem with the Farm Bill. The billions in subsidies and bailouts currently given to big animal agribusiness incentivizes farmers to over-produce flesh and secretions.

let’s unite on this

Vegans, vegan media, and the plant-based food companies all need to come together on this issue and get on the same page. We absolutely can achieve a vegan world sooner by tackling the major issue with the Farm Bill subsidies and bailouts. Let’s do this!

Join the cause…

USDA red meat numbers increase from 2018 to 2019


plant burger saviour