Let’s discuss the “L” word and why it’s necessary to help save animals and change the laws that perpetuate their exploitation. I’m talking about “lobbying”. We need to lobby.

I know… it’s a sexy topic, right?

why it matters

It’s vital that we get politically active on the Federal level. Don’t check out yet. It’s important to understand the Farm Bill and how it pays (with our taxes) animal agribusiness billions to produce “supply” (flesh, secretions, and the crops that feed exploited animals) beyond the demand. How much does it suck that we, vegans, are being forced to pay for animal suffering with our hard earned money?!

USDA increased animal exploitation despite decrease in demand. website- growing numbers of animals killed each year despite the decrease in demand

We need to rally and get on board with lobbying in order to change the system/laws/Farm Bill. There are varying levels and ways to get involved and help with this cause. Some involving more or less effort than others. For starters, joining Vegan Justice League and Agriculture Fairness Alliance is a great way to support vegan lobbying efforts.

Bumping fists
image: thommas68 /(P)

vegan representation in d.c.: getting a seat at the table

Agriculture Fairness Alliance announced, in November 2019, that they hired their first vegan-backed D.C. lobbyistsLobbyists 4 Good. AFA aims to hire a full time lobbying army who will represent vegan interests on a Federal level. In order to defeat the powerful animal agribusiness lobby/the Farm Bill, We. Will. Need. This.

Exploited animals, people, and the environment need us to activate and sound the alarm bells. Will you join?

Stay in the know HERE.

vegans and the "L" word