I stumbled upon this article on Drovers, which claims to be the oldest livestock publication in the United States. After reading it, and the comments, I get the impression that big animal agribusiness is seriously intimidated by the fastest growing movement on the planet.

That movement is veganism.


Below is the breakdown of the article with commentary added. After reading it, feel free to comment on whether or not you too think big animal ag is afraid of vegans.

Do vegans have big animal agribusiness shaking in their boots?

Article by Greg Henderson


“I’m not ashamed to say I had beef for dinner.”
This kind of common thought and comment needs to be addressed for what it is. Cruel and insensitive. Making fun and light over the death of a sentient being for a moment of unnecessary selfish taste pleasure is not funny, nor original. It’s thoughtless and archaic.


“Most of you reading this were raised the same as me – taught that all God’s creatures in our care deserve to be fed and sheltered accordingly, and free from abuse; even those that would eventually become food for our families.”
Greg, in Genesis 1:29, the original diet was vegan. The future earth, in Isaiah 11:6-9, is vegan. The diet shown to be healthier than an omnivore diet, in Daniel 1, is vegan. In Revelation 22:2, plants will be used for healing the nations… not hacked up baby flesh.

God gave us animals to eat


“Renee moved to the Sonnen Ranch in 2009, a 96-acre spread 50 miles south of Houston where she became a little too attached to one of the calves she named Rowdy Girl.”
“Too attached”. You mean she made the connection. The connection that cows and other animals are no different from the animals whose lives we value like cats and dogs.


“I do, however, have some concerns with the Rancher Advocacy Program (RAP), launched by Renee to help ‘transition cattle ranches and animal farms away from animal agriculture into viable veganic, compassionate businesses.’ Her words, not mine.

Apparently, becoming vegan and launching a bovine retirement village was so inspiring Renee wants to share.”
The subheading says it all.



“The answers, apparently, will come at the first RAP Summit to be held next September in Austin, Tex., claiming to ‘bring cattle ranchers, animal farmers, plant-based industry experts, manufacturers, activists, and environmentalists together to debate and determine solutions to the imminent concerns around global food production, the economy, animal protection and our climate.’ Wow. That’s an aggressive undertaking for an established, well-funded NGO, let alone a fledgling start up like RAP.”
Yet, you’re intimidated enough by it to write this article. Maybe Renee is on to something here.


“There are at least two reasons to be critical of the Rancher Advocacy Program.

The first is that Renee is gathering some media attention, because… well, a rancher-turned-vegan is one of those man-bites-dog stories the media can’t resist. Throw in the fashionable notion some have that cows are the root cause of climate change and Renee’s story is enticing. The story of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary has been told by various media outlets, including CBS News, the Texas Country Report and others. Rowdy Girl Sanctuary has also been the subject of videos for animal activist groups such as Mercy For Animals.”
“Media attention”… and the problem is?

“The second, and most compelling reason to oppose the Rancher Advocacy Program is that it appears to subsist almost entirely on donations. Remember that word ‘endowment’ from earlier? Rowdy Girl Sanctuary is a registered 501(c)(3) charity.”
Still failing to see the problem. Am I missing something here?


“Those inclined can also ‘adopt’ an animal at Rowdy Girl Sanctuary – $50 a month for cows and horses. 

I’m sure a lot of ranchers would love to have some kind strangers sending them $50 per cow per month via PayPal or Venmo.”
Maybe they too should consider getting out of the raising and killing of sentient beings, with feelings, just for the sake of selfish taste pleasure business then. I know of a resource for them that starts with an “R” and ends with a “P”. 😉

“But, seriously, that isn’t a business plan. And it certainly isn’t a sustainable plan for more than a handful of hobby farms, never mind a strategy to ‘rescue ranches’ as the RAP Summit suggests.”
Do you know the strategy and business plan for RAP? Or did you just pick out and focus on one small thing that you feel invalidates (p.s. it doesn’t) RAP?


“Maybe you think I’m being a little hard on a nice Texas lady who just loves animals. Maybe, but just take a look at some of the groups that have joined Renee in ‘support of the Ranchers Advocacy Program’: Save Movement, VegFund, Egg-Truth, Womxn Funders in Animal Rights, Vegan Investors, Effect Partners,, Free From Harm, Cowspiracy, Waking Justice and Agriculture Fairness Alliance.”
Woohoo, thanks for mentioning all these great vegan organizations! Added links below so you can easily check them out. Show them some love!

Agriculture Fairness Alliance, Cowspiracy, Vegan Investors, Save Movement, VegFund, Egg-Truth, Free From Harm, Womxn Funders in Animal Rights, Effect Partners, Waking Justice, and More supporters not mentioned above… Mercy For Animals, Miyoko’s Creamery, Jane Unchained News, Vegan Outreach, Esther the Wonder Pig, Social Compassion in Legislation, V-Dog, March of Silence, Kat Mendenhall, It’s Jerky Y’all, and Catskill Sanctuary.

now is the time to rescue ranches


It’s apparent that big animal ag is afraid of vegans. As they should be.

They are feeling the heat of the world waking up to the truths of their industry. People are finding out the truth and making the connection to the victims en masse.

And, what seems to be scarier than hell for big animal agribusiness, is not so much a bunch of vegans fighting with ranchers & farmers.

But, instead, is a bunch of vegans supporting ranchers & farmers.


Stay in the know HERE at Stay Vegan.

Update: Below are screenshots of communication between Renee and Drovers that took place Dec. 7, 2019. As of the date of the publishing of this article, March 10, 2020… Renee has not heard from Greg. She is still holding out hope that he will reach out to discuss RAP with her in efforts to clear up any misconceptions.

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