Stay Vegan thinks that using euphemisms, when it comes to issues of injustice, is counter-productive; it just keeps the general public in a stupor.

Many times (not always, we can be gentle too)on this site you will see “meat” and “dairy” referred to as flesh and secretions. Because that’s what they are. You will also see the direct victims/animals of non-veganism referred to as someone, as individuals. Because that’s what they are. They are not “food”.

but why

Our demand for flesh and secretions is destroying the planet, killing us, killing billions of land animals and trillions of sea creatures every year. It’s time we stop sugar coating the truth just to make things more comfortable for the general public.

With all that said, SV hopes that you will choose to continue growing and educating yourself (“get woke” iow ;-)) by sticking with us here at Stay Vegan. If you don’t do it for yourself and/or the animals, at least consider doing it for future generations. We need to leave them with a safe planet to live on.

flesh and secretions meme. why sugarcoat meat and dairy

animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change

See our mission here…