Happy it’s here, but happier to see it go

Let me start out by saying that I’m glad vegan junk food is available. Most people prefer junk food, vegan or not, so I’m glad that it’s there for people to choose from… because it is the more environmentally friendly & cruelty free choice over the non vegan options.

Stay healthy and compassionate

Here’s why Stay Vegan doesn’t promote junk food though… we are focused on helping people stay vegan. We think that the optimal diet for humans consists of whole foods plant-based with no oils. When people rely on junk food, they are putting their health at risk… once they start to experience health problems they are more likely to return to eating animal with the thought that consuming them will solve their issues. They will not, they are trading one bad “food” for another, both can lead to serious health issues.

Stay Vegan hopes that more vegan food suppliers and vendors/restaurants will catch on to the plant-based doctor recommended WFPB No Oil way of eating and will make the switch. WFPB No Oil can be absolutely delicious and we aim to help guide individuals towards optimal health.