There’s a pervasive myth, in most societies, that meat makes you manly. But, nothing could be further from the truth. The same saturated fat that clogs the arteries to your heart is the same fat that clogs all your vessels and arteries. Including, ahem, the ones going “down there”.

heart disease & erectile dysfunction connection
According to this article from PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), ” One surprising early sign of life-threatening heart problems is erectile dysfunction. A new study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that screening men with ED for heart disease could help prevent a million heart attacks or strokes over the next 20 years and save billions of dollars. But why let it escalate that far? Vegetables—not Viagra—are the best way to prevent not only ED, but the heart disease it’s linked to.
ED is a canary in a coal mine, according to Stephen Kopecky, M.D., who will discuss how ED is an early indicator of heart disease at this summer’s International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine: Cardiovascular Disease. Why? Because—as this new study shows—the blocked arteries that cause ED can eventually stop blood flow to the heart and brain.
Arteries can literally open up again simply by adopting a low-fat, plant-based diet. A study in JAMA found that normal sexual function returned in almost one-third of the men who ate less saturated fat and cholesterol (both of which are abundant in animal products) and more fiber (only found in plant foods). The best way to keep the blood pumping is a plant-based diet.”
in conclusion:
Just to add to the whole plant-based diet helping with heart disease and ED thing, it’s also super sexy when a man makes choices based on compassion towards animals and consideration for the environment we are leaving for future generations. Cruelty is out, compassion is in!
And, taking into account the high percentage of vegan women verses the lower percentage of vegan men, heterosexual men have no idea what they’ve been missing out on.
So, no, meat does not make you manly. 😉
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